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The top secret complex, which became one of several Führerhauptquartiere (Führer Headquarters) in various parts of eastern Europe, was built for the start of Operation Barbarossa – the invasion of the Soviet Union – in 1941. It was constructed by Organisation Todt. High security site was in the Masurian woods about 8 km (5.0 mi)from Kętrzyn, Poland. Three security zones surrounded the central complex where the Führer's bunker was located. In July 1944, an attempt was made to kill Hitler at the Wolf's Lair which became known as the 20 July plot. It was organized by staff officer Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, who would carry a briefcase bomb into a daily conference meeting. Mission finished unsuccessful. When the Red Army reached the borders of East Prussia at Autumn 1944, Hitler departed from the Wolf's Lair. In November the order was given to destroy the complex. Source: Wikipedia

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Wilczy Szaniec (niem. Wolfsschanze) – w latach 1941–1944 kwatera główna Adolfa Hitlera i Naczelnego Dowództwa Sił Zbrojnych w lesie gierłoskim. Lezy ok 8 km na wschód od Kętrzyna. Kwatera została wybudowana, aby Hitler mógł z niej dowodzić wojskami podbijającymi. 20 lipca 1944 Claus von Stauffenberg i Werner von Haeften dokonali tu nieudanego zamachu na życie Hitlera. Jesienią 1944 r. Kiedy Armia Czerwona dotarła do granic Prus Wschodnich jesienia 1944, Hitler opuscił Wilczy Szaniec. W listopadzie nakazano zniszczenie kompleksu. Zrodlo: Wikipedia

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