Battle of Britain Bunker

Bunker Dowodzenia Bitwy o Anglie

"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few" - Winston Churchill

"Nigdy tak wielu nie zawdzieczalo tak wiele dzieki tak niewielu" - Winston Churchill

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Probably everyone knows about "The Battle of Britain" in June 1940, when the Nazi attacked Britain. Probably everyone knows these names: Hurricane, Spitfire, Messerschmitt and Heinkel. However, not many people really know about how these air battles were led and. The whole of Great Britain was split into four zones: Group 10, Group 11, Group 12 and Group 13. Nearly the whole of southern England made up Group 11, and it was this region that had the highest risk of an attack by the Luftwaffe.

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Prawdopodobnie wszyscy slyszeli o "Bitwie o Anglię". Prawdopodobnie wszyscy znaja te nazwy: Hurricane, Spitfire, Messerschmitt i Heinkel. Jednak naprawdę niewiele osób wie, jak dowodzono bitwami powietrznymi. Wielka Brytania została podzielona na cztery strefy: Grupa 10, Grupa 11, Grupa 12 i Grupa 13. Cała południowa Anglia tworzyła Grupę 11, i to właśnie ten region byl narazony na największe ryzyko ataku Luftwaffe.

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The commanding headquarters of Group 11 were several miles from RAF Northolt and it was known as "The Battle of Britain Bunker". The bunker has been used for military purposes since September 1939 until the early days of the Cold War in 1958. Now, the bunker serves as a museum run by a group of volunteers. The entrance to the bunker is surrounded by a Hurricane fighter form the Battle of Britain period as well as a Spitfire fighter from the Normandy Landings. During the tour with the excellent guides, you find out how the war functioned during attacks, how information flowed from observatories to these headquarters and how air battles were mapped out.

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Dowództwo grupy 11 znajdowało się kilka mil od RAF Northolt w zach. Londynie. Bunkier był wykorzystywany do celów wojskowych od września 1939 r. do początków zimnej wojny w 1958 r. Teraz bunkier zostal przekształcony w muzeum, ktore prowadzi grupa wolontariuszy. Przed wejściem do bunkra mozna obejrzec samoloty "Hurricane" (wersja z Bitwy o Wielka Brytanie), a także "Spitfire" (wersja z lądowania w Normandii). Podczas zwiedzania z doskonale przygotowani przewodnicy opowiadaja jak wygladala praca dowodztwa i sztabu w bunkrze, w jaki sposob splywaly informacje od obserwatorów i jak dobierano eskadry mysliwcow do wyslania do walki.

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The bunker is bursting with relics from WWII such as maps, photographs and models which portray war times spectacularly. One of the best parts was getting to speak with the volunteers that took care of the bunker. They are very warm and open people that are very easy to talk to and some of them, based on their age, possess a vast level of historical knowledge. They run "The Friends of No 11(F) Group Operations Rooms". It is truly incredible that these few people take time out of their own lives to maintain this bunker in excellent condition. It was formed to provide a support network to promote, assist and develop the individual elements of the No 11 (F) Group Operations Rooms so that they can be more accessible to the public. You can also support the group by becoming a member. For more information visit The Friends of No 11(F) Group Operations Rooms.

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Bunkier doslownie pęka od reliktow z II wojny światowej. Sa tu orginalne mapy, fotografie i modele, które spektakularnie przedstawiają czasy wojny. Dla mnie jedną z najciekawszych byla oczywiscie sekcja poswiecona polskim lotnikom a takze rozmowa z wolontariuszami, którzy prowadza bunkier. Są to bardzo ciepli i otwarci ludzie z którymi warto porozmawiać, poniewaz posiadają ogromny zasob wiedzy historycznej, czesto popartej wlasnymi doswiadczeniami. W celu zapewnienia wsparcia i promocji ludzie ci zorganizowali grupe "The Friends of No 11(F) Group Operations Rooms" Po więcej informacji odwiedź strone: The Friends of No 11(F) Group Operations Rooms.

Opening Hours

The Museum and Bunker is open for Guided tours every weekday throughout the year. Tours normally operate at 10am and 2pm each day. Evening or weekend visits can be requested by special arrangement, subject to guides being available. The Museum and Bunker is also open on selected weekends during the Summer months.

All visits must be booked in advance by calling 01895 238154 or emailing

Free entrance - visitors are invited to make a donation of £3 per person in support of the Bunker and Museum.

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Gallery 2015:


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