Dla tych, którzy chcieli by odwiedzic Polske przygotowalem kilka krotkich aczkolwiek ciekawych tras. Proponowane trasy prowadza glownie do zabytkow architektury militarnej, jednak po drodze zawsze jest szansa zobaczyc cos charakterystycznego dla Polski.

Opierajac sie na ponizszych programach mozesz sie udac na wyprawe samodzielnie lub mozesz skozystac z mojej pomocy przewodnickiej. Warunki podrozy (termin, przebieg trasy...) zawsze ustalamy indywidualnie.

W trakcie zwiedzania proponuje wplesc kilka innych atrakcji, np: bonfire with meal, nighttime tour with burning torches, armoured vehicle (tank) rides, visit shouting range (to try real AK47!), attend to Military Vehicle Rally, a walk through St. Dominic's Fair, zwiedzic pozostalosci po czasach komunizmu oraz odkryc Polish Jewish Hertitage. Polska to takze doskonale miejsca dla amatorow polowania, nurkowania (takze wreck diving), jazdy konnej, milosnikow starych parowozow i wiele innych! Jesli masz jakiekolwiek pytania do not hesitate to CONTACT me. Regards, Paul.



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Do exploration of Hitler's largest commanding headquarters, "The Wolf's Lair". The complex was built in preparation for the Nazi invasion against the Soviet Union, in what was then known as East Prussia. This was one of the Hitler's largest headquarters, where he spent most of his time and was the location of an assassination attempt on his life. It is also here that he met with the leaders of what was Europe at the time.

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On the path about communism you will move behind the Iron Curtain. This tour will provide unique sensations as you attempt to fully portray what everyday life looked like in these tragic and grotesque times. I recommend Cracow and Warsaw. During its course, you will discover many authentic objects from that period, which will allow you to make up your own opinions of those times.

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Hitler liked personally leading his armies and overseeing his troops on the Eastern and Western European fronts. It was decided to build the headquarters of the leader of the Third Reich to allow him to do so. These were reinforced concrete bunkers with 4-6m thick walls and ceiling up to 8m thick as well as railway shelters large enough to hold an entire train. The greatest of these command centres was erected in East Prussia (now Masuria district in Poland) in preparation for Operation "Barbarossa" the war with the Soviet Union. The bunker was given the code name "The Wolf's Lair". No one thought that Hitler may have been in any danger in those well-guarded and secured facilities and yet it was here that one of the greatest assassination attempts on the Fuhrer's life took place ("Operation Valkyrie").

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During a war, each side tries to gain an advantage over the other through various ways: arsenal, outnumbering troops and secret intelligence. Both sides worked intently to crush their opponents with one final blow such as the V1, V2 rockets and the Enigma. What else have those armies and scientists quietly created in their dark, underground territories? Jet fighters, flying saucers, nuclear weapons - or perhaps something much scarier?

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